Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Where Do You Want To Be? On the Sidelines or In the Game?
If you are a sports fan, then this is the time of year that offers you many options to satisfy your hobby. We are right in the midst of the baseball playoffs, in full swing of the NFL and college football seasons, and right around the corner, hockey season begins, along with college and NBA basketball.
Now, Let's Step Into Your Workplace
As a child, most of us growing up were on the sidelines and someone was assigned captain to pick the teams before the start of the game.
After high school, we had the choice of our careers and what arena we wanted to play in.
The question is, are you on the sidelines, following the leaders, movers and shakers of the profession you've chosen, or are you participating in the game?
Your Defining Moment
The truth is, we are in the game. We all participate and add value to our organization with our own unique skills and expertise. The challenge is whether or not you add value every day.
Do you look at different ways of adding value to your organization? When was the last time you added significant value that made a real difference to the bottom line?
As you look back over your career, write down three (3) accomplishments that were defining moments in your life and then start planning for the next one.
You're a winner - just keep proving it!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Is Time A Mystery?
- I just ran out of time
- I can't believe what time it is
- Time is of the essence
Or, a personal favorite,
- If only there was more time in the day
Imagine if we could add just two (2) hours to each day. How would you use that additional time?
Work longer in the office, play more golf, volunteer more time to your community, sleep longer, or spend more quality time with your family and friends?
Let's Hit the Pause Button on the Stop Watch for a Second!
One thing for sure, our days and nights seem to go by faster than ever. With so many demands for work and family, it allows little time for what all of us would like to do for fun and relaxation.
Technology today for most of us demands even more energy to keep up with the news, finances and our customers; not to mention all the cool stuff we have access to and can explore via the Internet and our handheld devices.
Time Heals All Wounds
One thought to consider is how can I change my life style so I have more quality time?
If I make this change, what will happen?
Will that change dramatically impact my life as well as others that I love and care for?
As you reflect on and ponder these questions, don't search too long for these answers or seek advice from others.
The two hours you would love for your special time are right in front of you.
In fact, there's only one person that can change it - and that's you!
Time is not a mystery, but you need to make your time here on earth special in everything you do, because in a blink of an eye it will be gone before you know it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
When Your Opportunity Comes Knocking What Should You Do?
In this crazy environment, where most of us are trying to keep our heads and companies above water by reducing costs and making tough decisions, there is a silver lining.
It's called "Opportunity", and yes, there are many individuals and companies that are prospering because when Opportunity presented itself to them, they hooked on to it.
Let's Load Up the Gear and Explore
There are many ways opportunities present themselves. They can be created with "out of the box thinking", or you may be asked to participate or invest in a new venture, product or key initiative or be challenged to act on a new idea.
Regardless of how it comes, you must explore and take the time and expend the energy to investigate how this could affect you and/or your company.
Catching the Opportunity and Having Fun
Today there are even more opportunities than ever. As others choose to fish in the same streams, there are lakes, rivers and oceans full of opportunities.
First the hook is cast. The the fun comes when the nibble occurs and you begin reeling it in.
We all know that sometimes the "Opportunity" gets away, but in the process we learn and grow along the way. However, when you do land one, the excitement and energy created can go a long way in moving your career or company forward.
Where will you look for Your Opportunity today?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Commit To Piece Of Mind
Make a strong commitment to what drives your success and provides you life balance.
Are there some days when you feel there are so many priorities that you need to focus on that you fall victim to "swimming with the sharks?"
The Learning Process
There is no doubt that each of your priorities offers significant value, so how do you choose? I am suggesting that you pick on overall strategy for two to four (2-4) months and focus a good part of your energy to a strong commitment to yourself or family that will add to your life's balance.
Questions You Can Ask Yourself To Get Started
- If I could find a solution to better organize my tasks, could it give me more time for my family and / or help me move forward in my career?
- What are the time robbers that prevent me from being a better husband, wife, friend or co-worker; and, if eliminated, will add greater value to my life?
- What is one habit in my life that I can eliminate, change or improve on that will help me be more productive and provide a better piece of mind?
Committing To The Process
I might suggest that you take fifteen to thirty (15 - 30) minutes by yourself, or with your spouse, and generate just one (1) new commitment. Write it down on a piece of paper or a small white board and place it somewhere that is visible every day.
Center your thoughts and actions on what is important to you or your family. List three to five (3 - 5) measurements against your progress and take ten (10) minutes to grade your progress weekly.
This strong commitment to improving your life's balance may surprise you and add tremendous progress to you fulfilling your life's dreams, while avoiding those "dangerous sharks."
Monday, March 15, 2010
It's Not Enough
Recently, I finished reading a book about a Jesuit priest who wrote about his life's journey in growing his faith through his knowledge and research of the saints.
My particular favorite story was his writings about Mother Teresa, who, you may know, dedicated her entire life to helping the poor. Apparently, Mother Teresa was also known for a famous response. When anyone was donating money or services for her missions, she would simply say, “Thank you, but it's not enough.”
Looking Deeper
As you navigate through your career, working long hours, taking on more responsibilities and receiving promotions, have you ever asked yourself, is it ever enough?
How can it be, in this ever changing world, that you would answer that question with a yes?
Whether it's at work, or at home with your family, there is always more to do or learn.
Are you up to the challenge?
At work, have you explored new ways to add value?
In your wildest imagination, what could be the outcome of your explorations?
With your family, have you looked at new ways to love and support each of them?
How would those actions elevate the relationships with the people you love the most?
Are you satisfied with the dreams you have fulfilled?
What could you accomplish, what relationships could be revived, what dreams could be revived or started anew if you don’t just settle, but instead open your mind and say to yourself, “Thank you, but it's not enough.”?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Business Circle
First Reaction/First Glance
When you look inside of any business what do you see?
A balance sheet, cash flow statement, sales reports, profit and loss report and of course any company's most important asset, their employees.
The Learning Process
The Business Circle is very much like your Family Circle. As I think we would all agree, family is #1. However, a company and the decisions that are made for it are every bit as important as the ones we make regarding our family.
Any great company is an entity that builds assets through hard work and good decisions. It is the decisions that truly provide for the longevity and sustainability of a thriving business.
Keeping the Future Strong
In the Business Circle there is that one constant that always will be there. That constant is change. It's change that continuously forces management to reevaluate the processes and their most important asset, their Employees.
Employees are evaluated on their talent and the contribution that they make every day.
As an employee you might want to ask yourself the following questions when you are asked to make changes.
1. Am I open to the change?
2. Have I asked enough questions to understand why the change is important?
3. Will I give it my best even if I don't like or agree with it?
At the end of the day, if we ask ourselves these type of questions, and react in a positive manner, then we will realize that even though I have been a great employee in the past, I be as good as, or better, in the future. In doing so, you, as an employee, the company’s most important asset, will prepare yourself so that our Company's Business Circle becomes stronger and more aligned.