Make a strong commitment to what drives your success and provides you life balance.
Are there some days when you feel there are so many priorities that you need to focus on that you fall victim to "swimming with the sharks?"
The Learning Process
There is no doubt that each of your priorities offers significant value, so how do you choose? I am suggesting that you pick on overall strategy for two to four (2-4) months and focus a good part of your energy to a strong commitment to yourself or family that will add to your life's balance.
Questions You Can Ask Yourself To Get Started
- If I could find a solution to better organize my tasks, could it give me more time for my family and / or help me move forward in my career?
- What are the time robbers that prevent me from being a better husband, wife, friend or co-worker; and, if eliminated, will add greater value to my life?
- What is one habit in my life that I can eliminate, change or improve on that will help me be more productive and provide a better piece of mind?
Committing To The Process
I might suggest that you take fifteen to thirty (15 - 30) minutes by yourself, or with your spouse, and generate just one (1) new commitment. Write it down on a piece of paper or a small white board and place it somewhere that is visible every day.
Center your thoughts and actions on what is important to you or your family. List three to five (3 - 5) measurements against your progress and take ten (10) minutes to grade your progress weekly.
This strong commitment to improving your life's balance may surprise you and add tremendous progress to you fulfilling your life's dreams, while avoiding those "dangerous sharks."