Friday, November 14, 2008


First Reaction/First Glance
Hell no! Are you kidding me? What a waste of time and money!

I’m sure this is what many Americans were saying back in the 1950’s when the Eisenhower Administration approved funding for space exploration, which ultimately lead to the U.S. going to the moon.

What is your vision of where you want to be or go in the next ten years? Can you make it come true? Will you try? I hope your answer is yes. Let’s explore.

The Learning Process
Challenges are part of life. In fact, I believe this is what we are on this earth to resolve and conquer – challenges. As you are challenged by what is seemingly the impossible or as you challenge someone to step out of their comfort zone, take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and imagine the possible outcome.

The results could be amazing!

Improvement for the Future
Never be afraid to challenge yourself or a co-worker to something that seems virtually impossible. Encourage and support them and be there if things are not going as planned.

When you look back over your career, how many times have you said to yourself – “This isn’t fair”, “I deserve better”, or “I am tired of the same results”? So why not shoot for the moon? I guarantee your journey will be enlightening. In fact, you may just land there!

Thanks Big Shot for your inspiration.

Monday, November 3, 2008


First Reaction/First Glance
By now, most of our employees have heard the phrase “On a Roll” – a Pathways to Leadership tool. Recently, I was challenged by one of our Superintendents to give my thoughts on being on a roll.

My first thought when I heard this was that being on a roll is when everything is going good. I am happy and in a good mood.

The Learning Process
As I learned, it’s my decision to be on a roll. When I learned to sort through my issues one at a time to take a moment to count my blessings and focus on what has gone well recently, suddenly I begin to react to the work in front of me with a whole different attitude. Better yet, the people I come in contact with become more relaxed. Being on a roll becomes contagious!

Improvement for the Future
At TP Mechanical, we are shaping our culture so our employees can be on a roll more frequently. They do this because they now know that work can be fun and enjoyable. We are looking at our fellow workers in degrees of strength, we are motivating them by listening and implementing their ideas, and last but not least, we are dancing like nobody is watching. Everyone is doing these things in their own unique way.

Another way of looking at this – When TP Mechanical is on a roll, it’s like throwing the dice and hitting a seven every time!!!!!